Brave Beautiful Bride

Ready to Have A Fabulous Wedding and An Even Better Life With Your Partner?

Planning to share your life with someone takes courage and a commitment to live from your heart. Like planning the wedding itself, there’s no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. But by understanding and applying a few key principles that will keep you open-hearted and feeling balanced and centered, you can create the wedding – and the long-lasting, loving relationship – that you desire.

Please join me for Brave Beautiful Bride, take action on these insights and live from your heart. Your life together will be off to the best possible start!

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Brave Beautiful Bride

Planning to share your life with someone takes courage and a commitment to live from your heart. Like planning the wedding itself, there’s no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. But by understanding and applying a few key principles that will keep you open-hearted and feeling balanced and centered, you can create the wedding – and the long-lasting, loving relationship – that you desire.

CAD 97
Total due CAD 97

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